Psalm 22
Psalm 22 was quoted by Jesus at the end of his life when he said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" That's the first line of...
All Saints Day
We stand in a stream of Christianity that marks occasions and seasons with prayer, thanksgiving, and hope. These rhythms turn our focus...
Stories You Have to Know: Sarah and Abraham
Genesis 12:1-4 begins the long, imperfect, and beautiful story of Abram (later Abraham) and Sarai (later Sarah). I love the way this...
Stories You Have to Know: The Tower of Babel
Brick by brick it went up. Sweaty backs. Bulging biceps. It got to be so tall it cast a shadow over the camp below and offered shade from...
Stories You Have to Know! The Flood
Synopsis of the Story (Genesis 6-9) We know the story: unrelenting wickedness is met with cataclysmic judgment and the lands are flooded...
Stories You Have to Know! Cain and Abel
Another senseless act of violence. This week it was Las Vegas. However, we've heard the lament before in Newtown, Virginia Tech,...
Stories You Have to Know! Adam and Eve
Genesis 2.4 - 3.24 In this passage we see Adam and Eve created and living with one another and God in Eden. They are busy cultivating the...
Stories You Have Got to Know! Creation
Story 1: In the Beginning God is the Creator and he creates through speech. This is not the gaggles of gods found in Egypt, Babylon, or...
Genesis 1 - In the beginning
Story 1: In the Beginning, Genesis 1.1 - 2.3 Theme: God is the Creator, and he creates through SPEECH-God speaks and life, definition,...
Hiring, Revering, and Praying
Be sure to revere the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24...